The homoeopathic science of imponderables makes use of those direct energies which cannot be weighed or measured. The use of matter or material substance and then extracting the energy out of this substance by convertible equation of energy mass equation is very common but the use of direct energy as medicine is the unique technique of homoeopathy.1 In this article, the use of this unique technique in side effects of radiotherapy of cancer management as an integrated approach is shown.
Keywords: Imponderabilia, homoeopathy, cancer, side effects, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, integration, management, repertory
What is Imponderabilia? In homoeopathic system of medicine, the classification of drug sources has been done as under:
- Vegetable kingdom,
- Animal kingdom,
- Mineral kingdom,
- Nosodes,
- Sarcodes,
- Synthetic sources and
- Imponderabilia1
The word imponderabilia has come from, ‘imponderable’ that means which is not weighable, i.e. the substance which has no perceptible weights. Imponderabilia medicines can also be termed as direct physical energy medicines as these medicines utilize energy directly available from natural & physical reactions. Different forms of energy are potent sources of imponderabilia medicines. They are electromagnetic, electrical, magnetic, nuclear, gravitational, thermal, electrostatic and cosmic energy. Dr. Hahnemann, mentioned about imponderabilia in F.N. Sec.280- ‘even imponderable agencies can produce most violent medicinal effects upon man.2
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the first genius of his time, who discovered the mysterious healing power, hidden in imponderables as a proving of magnetic energy in the form of magnetis poli ambo (i.e. the magnet) and each pole separately. According to modern science, energy is not a substance, but a measure of activity of dynamic patterns. Thus through imponderabilia, a pattern of energy goes into the human economy, which balances the already disturbed electromagnetic energy vital force) for a better functioning. Presently, we have Magnetis Poli Ambo, Magnetis Polus Australis, Magnetis Polus Articus, Magnetis Artificialis, Luna, Sol, Electricitas, Radium Bromide, X-Ray as an imponderabilia medicines.1
Among these Sol, Radium Bromide, X-Ray can be practically use in the cancer management as an integrated approach.
Cancer represents a significant economic burden for the global economy and is now the third leading cause of death worldwide. By 2030, it is projected that there will be 26 million new cancer cases and 17 million cancer deaths per year. The developing world is disproportionately affected by cancer and in 2008 developing nations accounted for 56% of new cancer cases and 75% of cancer deaths. These deaths happen in countries with limited or no access to treatment and with low per capita expenditure on health care. The most common solid organ malignancies arise in the lung, breast and gastrointestinal tract but the most common form worldwide is skin cancer. Nowadays, common approaches for cancer management are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) involves treating the cancer with ionizing radiation; for certain localized cancers it may be curative. Ionizing radiation can be delivered by radiation emitted from the decay of radioactive isotopes or by high-energy radiation beams, usually X-rays. The majority of treatments are delivered by linear accelerators, which produce electron or X-ray beams of high energy that are used to target tumor tissue. The biological effect of ionizing radiation is to cause lethal and sublethal damage to DNA.
Since normal tissues are also radiosensitive, treatment has to be designed to maximize exposure of the tumor and minimize exposure of normal tissues. This is possible with modern imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, which allow better visualization of normal and tumor tissue. In addition, techniques such as conformal radiotherapy, in which shaped rather than conventional square or rectangular beams are used, allow much more precise targeting of therapy to the tumor, and reduce the volume of normal tissue irradiated by up to 40% compared to non-conformal techniques. Both normal and malignant tissues vary widely in their sensitivity to radiotherapy. Germ cell tumors and lymphomas are extremely radiosensitive and relatively low doses are adequate for cure, but most cancers require doses close to or beyond that which can
be tolerated by adjacent normal structures. Normal tissue also varies in its radiosensitivity, the central nervous system, small bowel and lung being among the most sensitive. The side-effects of radiotherapy depend on the normal tissues treated, their radiosensitivity and the dose delivered.
An acute inflammatory reaction commonly occurs towards the end of most radical treatments and is localized to the area treated. For example, skin reactions are common with breast or chest wall radiotherapy, and proctitis and cystitis with treatment to the bladder or prostate. These acute reactions settle over a period of a few weeks after treatment, assuming normal tissue tolerance has not been exceeded. Late effects of radiotherapy develop 6 weeks or more after treatment and occur in 5–10% of patients. Examples include brachial nerve damage and subcutaneous fibrosis after breast cancer treatment, and shrinkage and fibrosis of the bladder after treatment for bladder cancer. There is a risk of inducing cancer after radiotherapy, which varies depending on the site treated and on whether the patient has had other treatment such as chemotherapy.
A common Acute effect includes: Alopecia, Mucositis, Cough, Nausea, diarrhea, Erythema and desquamation, Neutropenia- decreased hemoglobin, platelet count
Late Effects
Fibrosis- stiffening or hardening of exposed tissues, Telangiectasia, Thinning of exposed skin, Xerostomia – Permanent dryness of eyes, mouth, vaginal mucosa and sweat glands, Increased risk of breast cancer, Increased risk of Ischaemic Heart disease –especially if radiation has involved chest.3
Here homoeopathy can integrate with allopathic treatment in management of cancer by treating the side effects of radiotherapy. So, patients can have a better life.
According to homoeopathic materia medica we can use imponderabilia like X-ray, Radium bromide in such conditions.
- Radium bromide –An important addition to the Materia Medica, especially since the provings by Diffenbach have precisionized its use. Radium bromide of 1,800,000 radio-activity was employed. Found effective in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, in skin affections generally, acne rosacea, nævi, moles, ulcers and cancers. Ulcers due to Radium burns, take a long time to heal. Marked increase in the polymorphonuclear neutrophiles. Great weakness. Itching & dryness of nasal cavities, better in open air. Dryness of mouth, nausea and sinking sensation, belching of gas. Alternating constipation & loose movements. Right breast sore, relieved by hard rubbing. Persistent cough with tickling in suprasternal fossa. Dry, spasmodic cough. Throat dry, sore, chest constricted. severe pain in all the limbs, joints especially in knees and ankles. Erythema & dermatitis, with itching, burning, swelling & redness, necrosis & ulceration. Itching all over body, burning of skin, as if a fire. Internal chilliness followed by heat of skin, associated with bowel movements and flatulence.
Better in open air, continued motion, hot bath, lying down, pressure. Worse getting up.
- X ray– Vial containing alcohol exposed to X-Ray, Repeated exposure to Roentgen (X-ray) has produced skin lesions often followed by cancer. On Distressing pain. Atrophy of ovaries and testicles, anaemia & leukaemia. Corresponds to stubbornness as in burns, they refuse to heal. Tongue dry, rough, sore. Throat painful on swallowing. Nausea. general tired and sick feeling. Palms rough & scaly. Skin dry, wrinkled.
worse in bed,afternoon,evening and night, open air.4
There are some repertories which gives medicines for such side effects
- Murphy’s Repertory
RADIATION, sickness, for side effects: Raium bromide, SOL, X-ray
Of radiation burns: Raium bromide, sol, x-ray 5
- Complete Repertory
Generals –ABUSE OF, poisoning with radiation therapy complaints, with subsequent
Raium bromide, X ray
Skin-INFLAMMATION radio –dermatitis: Raium bromide 6
There are supporting research and studies about how a homoeopathic medicine works in such conditions:
- Symptoms of radio dermatitis were relieved by homoeopathic medicines belladonna and X ray.
- Homoeopathic X ray was used to relieve radio dermatitis in those receiving radiation as part of their breast cancer treatment. 7
With the use of imponderabilia we can integrate homeopathy with the modern therapeutic aspect of cancer management and can stand by the patients who are at the highest of their sufferings. These small efforts can make a big difference in someone’s life.
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- Mandal PP, Mandal B. A textbook of homoeopathic pharmacy. 3rd ed. Delhi, India: New Central Book Agency; 2012. p-44
- Penman ID, Ralston SH, Strachan MWJ, Hobson R, editors. Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine. 24th ed. London, England: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2022. p-1316,1331,1332
- Boericke W. Pocket manual of homeopathic materia medica & repertory. 9th ed.New Delhi, India: B Jain; 2023. p-453,454,567
- Murphy R. Homeopathic medical repertory. New Delhi, India: Leads Press; 2008.
- van Zandvoort R. Complete Repertory: Das umfangreichste Repertorium der homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Exklusives Taschenformat mit Daumenregister. 1st ed. Kandern, Germany: Narayana; 2007.
- Balzarini, a., felisi , martini, a et al ,efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of skin reactions during radiotherapy for breast cancer: a randomized , double- blind clinical trial, British homoeopathic journal, (2000)jan:89 (1): 8-12
Dr. Shruti J. Vankar1
- B.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom) Professor
Dept. of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy, Noble Homoeopathic College & Research Institute, Noble University, Junagadh, Gujarat