Valerian: Side Effects, Dosages, Interactions, Treatment in homeopathy

Valuable Valeriana And Homeopathy

VALERIAN (valerian officcinalis) holds a special place of honor in the world of herbs as its roots have a remarkable effect on human cerebro-spinal . known for many centuries , the popularity of this herb is rapidly growing through out the world because of its reputation for relieving anxiety and insomnia . Effective as a sedative , valerian helps to improve sleep quality . it was in 1592 when Fabious calumna found that valerian has anticonvosant effects on eczemia , ulcers and minor injuries

Valerian is a perennial of the family valerinaceae that reaches about 5 feet ‘ its medicinal roots consist of long , cylindrical fibers , its stem is erect , grooved and hollow and the leaves are fernlike . Tiny flowers occur in umbrella-like clusters . The dried valerian roots have an unpleasant , penetrating odor . native to many parts of America . Asia .and Europe , valerian is perhaps best charecteraized as a minor tranquilizer when administered in the form of a tea . a tincture or an extract

Extensive studies on the extracts of valerian roots have identified , its active ingredients , which are mainly the unstable esters called valepotrites , and the volatile oil components that together have a strong sedative effect . The roots are harvested in autumn and are used fresh or dried . At cellular level , valerian Weakly binds to GABA_ A receptors in the central nervous system that actually has a sedating effect . The clinical evidence indicates that valerian is a relatively safer and milder substitute for the bezodiazepines like valium ‘for the manufacture of medicinal valerian products , fresh root of powdered freeze-dried root is used . The pressed root juice is used to form extracts or tinctures , where as powered root I used in making capsules and tablets . valerian products are commonly added to formulas that contain other calming , herbs like passion flower and lemon balm

The therapeutic efficacy of the root extracts of valerian in providing sedation has been confirmed by several clinical experiments . in one clinical study a team of Swiss researchers evaluated the effects of a valerian/lemon balm combination in healthy adults . The objective of this study was to assess tolerability of this herbal formulation while assessing its effect on sleep quality . For this , 98 healthy volunteers were given either placebo or three tablets of valerian /lemon balm formula about an hour before bed time ,. The over all tolerability was rated as good by 93 percent of those valerian/lemon balm group and 91percent of the placebo group . however among those taking valerian/lemon balm group and 91 percent of the placebo group . however among those taking valerian/33percent reported an improvement in sleep quality , as compared with  only 9 percent in the placebo group . however , the use of valerian extract can take two to three weeks before significant benefits in sleep in sleep are achieved , besides , valerian can interact with alcohol , certain anthistamines , muscle relaxants , psychotrophic drugs and narcotics and so on , their combined use must be avoided

Animal studies have also shown that valerian reduces blood pressure , besides having an anti tumor effect . the valerian root has also been used for the treatment of painful menstruation , cramps and irritable bowel syndrome . An essential oil from the leaves and root is used as a flavoring agent in ice creams , baked goods and condiments . The valerian roots has also been used for the treatment of painful menstruation , cramps and irritable bowel syndrome . An essential oil from the leaves and roots used as flavouring agent an ice creams , baked goods and condiments . The oil of valerian is also used in making blended perfume oils , where it imparts

Valerian also .has an effect on the nervous on the nervous system of many ,animals , like rats , which seem to be thrown into a kind kind of intoxicant by the scent of this herb . This reminds one of the famous story of pied piper of Hymylin who lured hundreds of rats by playing his flute . Well more , than being a great flute player , the pied piper was possibly a good herbalist having knowledge of the value of valerian , so , he could be just carrying the valerian root in his pockets to attract the rats knows?

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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