Samuel Hahnemann Academy for Homeopathy – SHAH & Homeopathy 360 Presents *ORGANON – ACCESS TO SUCCESS: 3*
Back on Popular Demands with *Most Clinical Topics for 11 Days*️
*DAYS:* _Tuesday to Friday every week for 11 days._
? *DATES:*July 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17
*Time:*3 to 4.30 pm IST | 10.30 to 11.45 am BST | 5.30 to 6.45 am EST
*Speaker:*Dr KRUTIK SHAH_Proud Child of Dr Samuel Hahnemann_
For *Course Details*:
*Fees:* 500 Rs | 20 USD
*Registration* Link:
️Live on Zoom | Limited Seats *WhatsApp*@: +91 7567756443?
*Email* @:
Please Keep *Dr Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine* for better understanding.
*Recordings of the Lectures will be available for three Days*, if you have missed or for re-study.