Wonders Of A Single Dose In Homoeopathy by: K. D. Kanodia


In the book, the author has discussed the ways, whereby.

i.    Homeopathy can revive its glory of showing wonders again,

ii.    Analyzing the basic factors responsible for the faded and disappointing results at present.

iii.    Reasons for its derailment from the principles on which it was established.


About Book

Homeopathy restores the body to health by stimulating the healing forces within the body.

This volume of compilation is to highlight the achievements of renowned physicians of the world. The purpose was to create a feeling of confidence and surety of the results in this system and to acquaint the people and profession about the wonders of the drug in potency and of course to impress upon all, that it is the quickest and the safest system of restoring health.


In the book, the author has discussed the ways, whereby

i. Homeopathy can revive its glory of showing wonders again,

ii. Analyzing the basic factors responsible for the faded and disappointing results at present, and

iii. Reasons for its derailment from the principles on which it was established.


Dr. K D Kanodia, with his tireless efforts, has put together these cases that have been healed by masters with a single and minimal dose in one place. This compilation guides you like a lighthouse. It also discusses how to apply various scientific doctrines, explaining more fully complementary, antidotes, diagnostic cues, warnings to take, and specific cues in pathological cases. Also, various guidelines of masters are mentioned in the right places that act as milestones.

About Author:

Dr Kanodia was born on 8th September 1930,
Dr. K.D. Kanodia completed his education at the universities of Patna & Punjab. His academic profile includes BA (Hons)., MDSH, ND, DI Hom. ( The British Institute of Homoeopathy, London) MRSH (London ). He has been a recipient of the “Appreciation Award in Homeopathy” from the Board of Homeopathic Systems of Medicine, India. At present, he is serving homeopathy by practicing in charitable dispensaries & renowned hospitals and has written many books on Homeopathy.

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