World Sight Day is an annual event to raise awareness of the importance of good eye care around the globe.
We know that 2.2. billion people – a quarter of the world’s population – have a visual impairment. And nearly half of this visual impairment could have been prevented, or could still be avoided.
Eye health is about more than just sight – it’s about a vision of the future. Good eye health has a ripple effect, improving education, economic and health outcomes. If the world’s eye care needs were met, the impact would be astounding.
The main aims of World Sight Day include: To Raise public awareness of issues surrounding blindness and visual impairment.
To influence Governments, and in particular Health Ministers to participate in and donate funds to blindness prevention programmes.
To generate support for Vision programme and activities.
1. Raise funds
There are still thousands of people who cannot afford to get the medical treatment they need. Organize a fundraiser and ask your friends and relatives to donate to this noble cause. You will be making a huge impact on the lives of many people affected by vision impairment.
2. Educate people
About 75% of blindness is preventable. Educate people about healthy practices, medications, and treatments available. You can team up with Lions Clubs International and help spread the word.
3. Get an eye checkup
This would be a good time to get your eyes checked. The doctor will examine the condition of the blood vessels in your retina and check the overall functioning of your eyes and vision. Go to your nearest eye clinic and also motivate your family members and friends to get their eyes checked.
1. Eyes developed millions of years ago
It is estimated that eyes developed in mammals about 500 million years ago.
2. They are crucial for information
Almost 80% of the information that your brain processes comes from the eyes.
3. They are the fastest muscle
Contracting in less than 1/100th of a second, the eyes are the fastest muscle in the human body.
4. A blink lasts 100 milliseconds
The blink of a human eye can last anywhere between 100 to 150 milliseconds.
5. A sight test can determine other ailments
Conditions like high blood pressure or high sugar levels can be detected in an eye test.
Courtesy: awarenessdays.com, sightsavers.org, nationaltoday.com